
Contact Us

Last updated on 01-03-2024 17:11:08

You may contact us using the information below:

Merchant Legal entity name: JODARO MULTICOMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED Registered Address: 262 and 263, 18th E Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, PIN: 560008

Operational Address: 262 and 263, 18th E Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, PIN: 560008

Telephone No: 9900005019

E-Mail ID:


About Us

Jodaro is the one-stop solution for global omni-channel ecommerce acceleration for manufacturers and brands. We bring in technical, analytical, operational and strategic expertise to enable rapid global growth for our partners on major marketplaces as well as D2C channels.

We manage the entire e-commerce life cycle for our partners starting from inventory projections and logistics to post-sale support and profit analytics.

Let's Connect

Go Global with Jodaro

Let’s Connect

Jodaro helps manufacturers and brands reach global shoppers. Looking to expand your business globally, build your e-commerce brand, or sell directly to consumers?